Hi everyone!
This post is a little off topic from what I usually do and I really hope you don't mind that. If you read this, you obviously know the (rather long) name of my beauty/fashion/food ramble blog which is the reason that I am writing these words:
I am not happy with my blog name.
I once made it up on a whim, wanting a blog that would represent my 'life situation' as I had set up a big list of things to achieve, but now I find it too long and I am surely not going to be 17 forever (I'm not Edward Cullen after all, eh?).
I'm currently compiling a list of possible names, but I also wanted to hear your opinions and maybe your ideas for a new blog name? Once I've figured out the one I like best, I will rename my blog and also finally start to create a proper layout.
Thanks for your help!
Nathalie xx