Pictures from
October 17, 2012
October 12, 2012
My Week(s) On Instagram #9 (LIFE UPDATE!)
Hi guys!
I know it's been forever and a day since I wrote my last post on here (probably like two weeks ago!?) but I was truly busy and also had some health problems - namely a laceration plus concussion - that knocked me out and made the whole process of working like a mad women a bit more difficult. I thought I'd give you a little update on that and at the same time tell you I might stay a little more absent on here than I like to be for at least a couple more weeks. I haven't been instagramming much, simply because there's not too many exciting things in my everyday life haha! Anyway, on to the photos...
Tuesday, 9am at the train station // Favorite shower gel all the way from France // Appreciating fall
Cheeky MAC purchase // Casual fall chic // Cookie monster muffins, courtesy of my friend Julia aka @jeany93
Out and about with my sunnies on // Feasting on pasta, my all time favorite food // Hoarding beauty trash, how glam!
Spotted my future husband in the H&M fall catalog // Loving this Keane song // Little Miss Sunshine :-)
I'm off to Berlin next week, so I'll try to maybe schedule one or two posts for you then and also do my September Favorites!
Nathalie x
September 27, 2012
NOTD: p2 hold me tight
I am on a roll with NOTDs recently, I just like my nails a lot more than I used to do and also a quick coat of Essie Good To Go makes every single polish look a million times better and a lot more longlasting!
Speaking of nail polish, a brand I'm loving right now is p2. They have just revamped all of their counters and added lots of new colors and products to them, so when I was browsing the aisles of my local drugstore for throat pastilles, I simply couldn't resist picking up this little boy...
September 23, 2012
Empties #4
Hi everyone!
Long time, to talk! I am genuinely sorry about that, but I am just so busy right now that I barely have a minute or two to sit down and breathe after all, so I neglected my blog a whole lot which I never meant to but oh well, sometimes life doesn't go how you want it to, right? I am now trying to at least schedule two or three posts every weekend that go up throughout the week then, so fingers crossed this is going to work out!
Anway, I have of course accumulated a shedload of empty products while I was gone from the bloggingsphere and I thought I would give you some mini reviews on them!
September 7, 2012
OOTD: Casual Shopping Day
I was out and about in town with my best friend last Saturday and that was when I snapped a picture of what I wore to show it to you later. We basically spent the entire day shopping, drinking Starbucks and talking - a major catch-up is what is needed when you haven't seen your bestie in months! Anyway, on to the outfit...
September 2, 2012
NOTD: p2 forever
Fall is near, guys! Not quite yet, but hey if there's something I'm way too excited for at this time of the year, it's nail polish shades. I have a small selection of colors I like to wear in fall/winter only as I feel like they are a lot more appropriate for when the leaves are falling and the air gets crispy... you know what I mean.
August 31, 2012
My Week On Instagram #8
My hairstylist is a genius! // My friend Hannah took and edited this beautiful pic // This is what dedication looks like ;)
Shopping jewellery at Primark // Gorgeous antique ring for only a fiver // Dawn at 6am <3
Life as an early bird // Eating leftover salads for lunch -yum! // Hot town, summer in the city...
If you fancy following me on Instagram: @romanticgirlx
August 30, 2012
August Favorites
Hi lovelies!
First of all, let me excuse myself for my little absence from blogger, of course I haven't given up and everything, but school started again for me and so I wanted to get settled and adapt to my routine before starting to blog again. I'm a senior now and so school is really important to me, I hope you understand!
Anyway, on to the main topic of this (not so) little post, my favorites for the month of August...
August 20, 2012
NOTD: Catrice Jetsetter (Cruise Couture LE)
We're currently experiencing a super duper hot summer over here in Germany, so I've really been cracking out the brightest nail polishes I own recently, going from bright orange to vibrant turquoise until I have landed in the most girly color family of all: pinks!
August 19, 2012
My Week On Instagram #7
Buying new skincare // Found my fall clothing investment, courtesy of H&M // Cutting melons like a pro
Essentials when laying out in the sun // Treating myself to a new phone case // Wearing a messy bun (again!)
Getting artsy on my nails, inspired by Meg // Dragonboats competing on the river // New wall décor, loveeee
If you fancy following me on Instagram: @romanticgirlx
August 18, 2012
Renaming my blog
Hi everyone!
This post is a little off topic from what I usually do and I really hope you don't mind that. If you read this, you obviously know the (rather long) name of my beauty/fashion/food ramble blog which is the reason that I am writing these words:
I am not happy with my blog name.
I once made it up on a whim, wanting a blog that would represent my 'life situation' as I had set up a big list of things to achieve, but now I find it too long and I am surely not going to be 17 forever (I'm not Edward Cullen after all, eh?).
I'm currently compiling a list of possible names, but I also wanted to hear your opinions and maybe your ideas for a new blog name? Once I've figured out the one I like best, I will rename my blog and also finally start to create a proper layout.
Thanks for your help!
Nathalie xx
This post is a little off topic from what I usually do and I really hope you don't mind that. If you read this, you obviously know the (rather long) name of my beauty/fashion/food ramble blog which is the reason that I am writing these words:
I am not happy with my blog name.
I once made it up on a whim, wanting a blog that would represent my 'life situation' as I had set up a big list of things to achieve, but now I find it too long and I am surely not going to be 17 forever (I'm not Edward Cullen after all, eh?).
I'm currently compiling a list of possible names, but I also wanted to hear your opinions and maybe your ideas for a new blog name? Once I've figured out the one I like best, I will rename my blog and also finally start to create a proper layout.
Thanks for your help!
Nathalie xx
August 17, 2012
Empties #3
Blogger has decided to do its own thing today I guess! Sorry about that :) |
I am currently using products up like nobody's business. Seriously, considering the time span since my last Empties post (link here) and the amount of producs I have accumulated again, you must think my whole day consists of slapping creams, scrubs and other potions on to my body ;)
August 15, 2012
Lovely Quotes #9 (Back to School Edition)
You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”
— Oscar Wilde
— Oscar Wilde
“Intelligence plus character-
that is the goal of true education.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.
"There are three good reasons to be a teacher-
June, July, and August."
— Unknown
Pictures via
August 7, 2012
Essie Good To Go
I could never be bothered with wearing a topcoat over my manicure. When I was younger, I accidentally scratched all of my exercise books with my nail polish which ended up in bright red or blue marks all over the place -not pretty! I then tried a couple of drugstore topcoats, but none of them was really satisfying.
Enter Essie Good To Go.
August 4, 2012
My Week On Instagram #6
I'm still on my summer vacation (even if not for long anymore) and so there's not too many exciting things that happen since I spend most of time relaxing, reading and watching the Olympics on TV. But here are the bits I shared with you this week:
Admiring the most beautiful sunset // Reading a CSI book in bed // Making my own burger at a BBQ with the family
I curled my hair and it turned out great! // Loving the White Fig & Amber scent from Primark // Bought Essie Good To Go
Wearing Daisy by Marc Jacobs // Enjoying some fruit while watching TV // Laying on a meadow by the pool
If you fancy following me on Instagram: @romanticgirlx
August 2, 2012
My Makeup (and Hair): Minimal Summer Beauty
I've been doing lots of summer-related posts recently, mainly due to the reason that we had quite a bit of sun in Germany recently which I tried to enjoy as much as possible. Since I was staying outside so much, I tried to use as few products as possible aiming my makeup to look effortless and bronzed.
July 31, 2012
Empties #2
July is over folks! I can't believe how quickly this month passed by, that means my vacation is coming to an end very soon! I've been good at finishing products this month although I will probably not use up enough products to make these posts on a monthly basis in the future.
I recently watched a video from Leigh Ann who discussed her finished products and she actually (hilariously!) put the whole idea of Empties posts/videos in a nutshell:
"Hey, here's my bag of trash, do you guys wanna hear about it?"
![]() |
July Empties! |
July 30, 2012
My Top 5 Summer Nail Polishes
In Europe, summer seems to come out for a few days every now and then which can be quite annoying, but hey, at least we get some sun and hot temperatures after all, eh?
During the summer time, I don't feel like wearing dark or generally dull polishes at all and so as soon as the first UV rays hit my face, I crack out the brightest bottles of varnish I can find in my collection. The ones above are my top favorites which means that one of those is likely going to adorn my nails when I give myself a mani next time.
July 27, 2012
Easy Breezy Summer Makeup
Summer is finally upon all of us and so I spend most of my days sitting in the garden trying to catch some Vitamin D and hopefully a bit of a tan. For the most part, I can't be bothered to wear anything on my face except for some SPF but if I decide to wear some, this is what I go for.
It doesn't show up in the picture very nicely, but basically this look consists of lots of lashes, bronzer and a very pretty berry lip color which I love at the moment.
July 25, 2012
Wishlist #1
H&M Handbag -29.95€
Essie Good To Go -8.95€
Jade Stone Ring -6.00€
Manhattan ♥ Modepilot Nail Polish in 02M St. HonorĂ© -3.49€ (to be released August 2nd)
Glisskur Hair Oil -7.95€
H&M Statement Necklace -9.95€
July 23, 2012
My Week On Instagram #5 (Holiday Edition)
So you may or may not know that I had been gone on holiday last week (I tried to keep the blog active anyway). We didn't have the best weather and barely internet connection, but I managed to instagram a few impressions though. A photo diary is on its way!
Travel OOTD - love the scarf! // By the sea for the last time // Indulging in a waffle w/ strawberries and cream
Admiring the beautiful port // Sporting lavender nails // Treating myself (again)
Nautical inspired beach OOTD // Lots of beach chairs and awesome weather // Spending more quality sea time
Follow me on instagram: @romanticgirlx
July 20, 2012
Garnier BB Cream for Oily/Combination Skin
It's an open secret that BB Creams have been all the rage in the beauty world lately. The trend originally comes from Asia where women spend hours in the bathroom applying moisturizers, sunscreens, primers etc. To cut this time shorter, creams were invented that deliver all the functions that normally eight or ten different products would. Lately, lots of Western beauty companies have launched their own BB creams, and after all we all like spending more time in bed that in the bathroom, don't we? ;-)
July 18, 2012
What's In My Handbag? (Travel Edition)
I'm currently on my annual summer vacation, this year the family and I are headed back to the seaside in Northern Germany where we're going to spend a bit more than a week. The distance is not so huge and so we are taking the car to get there. You all know how boring and long car travels can be, so today I thought I'd show you how I keep myself pretty and entertained by showing you what's in my handbag!
Yes To Carrots
July 16, 2012
Lovely Quotes #8 (Summer Edition)
"A perfect summer day is when
The sun is shining,
The breeze is blowing,
The birds are singing and
The lawn mower is broken."
— James Dent
“So here’s to all those summer nights
When my feet hit the sand and
The waves break my fall and
All my friends around me outnumber the stars.”
— Unknown
"Summer afternoon -- summer afternoon
To me those have always been
The two most beautiful words in the English language."
— Henry James
Pictures via
July 14, 2012
What's In My Travel Makeup Bag?
I'm going on a seaside vacation to Northern Germany this Saturday, I'll be gone for a bit more than a week and even though the weather is not promising, I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't done a What's In My Travel Makeup Bag post yet, so I figured this might be a good opportunity to show you what I'm bringing.
July 13, 2012
Glossybox Young Beauty
However, I made an exception when I was browsing the Glossybox website recently and saw that they launched a limited edition box called "Glossybox Young Beauty" which could be ordered without subscribing to the entire service. Considering the reasonable price of €10, I hit the "Order" button without even thinking about it. The box was created for young girls who want to have fun and experiment with makeup and so it is right up my street!
July 12, 2012
My Week(s) On Instagram #4
I apologize for being such a bad Instagrammer for the last couple of weeks, but there was nothing really to show you haha! So by now I would say it's time for a huge catch-up, here we go:
Receiving Glossybox Young Beauty in the mail // Picking up holiday necessities // Sporting red lips
Wearing bright pink nail polish // Floral shoes in the park // Stuffing myself with apple pancakes
Makeup inspired by Pretty Little Liars // Face of the day // Rewarding myself for good grades
Having my favorite pasta // Making PB&Js for the first time // Admiring my charm bracelet from Paris
Follow me on Instagram: @romanticgirlx
July 11, 2012
My first MAC Experience
As someone that considers herself to be quite a bit of a makeup addict, it was only a matter of time (and money) for me to finally crack and hit a MAC counter in my town to pick out a product. Exactly this happened the other day when I was in town doing a bit of window shopping. And while I was longingly staring at the long racks packed with any lipstick color and finish you could possibly think of, I knew I needed to get my hands on one of them.
July 9, 2012
Empties #1
So at the beginning of this year, I had decided to take part in "Project Pan", a project to force me into using up more products. I used to post about every single item I'd used up, but I found that rather stressful so now I'm collecting my empties to blog about them.
June 30, 2012
essence Ready For Boarding lip & cheek creme
Hey everyone!
I hope you are all doing well. I am surely, I finished my junior year today and and am now officially on my six weeks of summer break! My certificate was a very good one, so I treated myself to some bits and pieces in my favorite stores after school (you can see a photo on my instagram).
I picked up this cream blusher from essence's Ready for Boarding LE, a limited edition full of travel- or respectively airplane-friendly products. This blush is actually my first splunge into the wide ozean of cream blushes and so far I would say I might really get into this texture!
I hope you are all doing well. I am surely, I finished my junior year today and and am now officially on my six weeks of summer break! My certificate was a very good one, so I treated myself to some bits and pieces in my favorite stores after school (you can see a photo on my instagram).
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